Experts in stainless steel fabrication…and shipping

Going global

Brookeson has been building up the export side of the business for some years with both Puerto Rico and the United States being particularly popular destinations for our stainless steel IBC products.

The slight downside of that success is the need to become experts in the arcane world of shipping arrangements.

It starts with ensuring that we source certified timber for the packing cases but of course it’s the paperwork that offers the greatest learning curve.  It’s not just having the right forms correctly filled in the first place. It’s understanding who gets to see what as our products move from country-to-country, airport-to-ship and ship-to-truck.

The route can be pretty convoluted.  IBCs going to Puerto Rico, for instance, can start their journey on a truck from our factory in Birmingham, by road to Heathrow and flown to Miami.  Then its back on a truck to Fort Lauderdale for a flight to the Dominican Republic followed by a sea voyage to Puerto Rico and another truck ride!

On the whole we prefer stainless steel fabrication to transportation.  However we also recognise that our reputation for high quality has to extend to the service side of the business too.

So wherever you are in the world, if you need specialist stainless steel fabrication expertise, we can help.

Contact us to discuss your requirements today. Email us via the contact form or call 0121 766 5999.


Brookeson Material Handling – Specialist IBC manufacturer